Tuesday, September 04, 2007

America's Army-The Army's Next Generation Recruitment Tool

A few years ago the U.S Army came up with a great way to get new recruits-A video game! It's called America's Army and it's a great first person shooter for tweens.

Pros:The blood can be turned on or off in case you dont like to see it. There are a ton of maps and it comes with a map editor. The controls can be reconfiured to your joystick and keyboard. four types of soldiers: Infantry, Airborne Ranger, Special forces and explosive specialist. The controls are a little hard to get used to but its fun when you do. Very realistic. Free download. Rated "t" so most tweens are probably old enough to play it.

Cons: One of the only things I didnt like was the training missions have to be completed before you can play any multiplayer or campaign mission. Huge file size ( 2 GB)

Download it from http://www.americasarmy.com/downloads/

In my opinion this is the most life-like first person shooter I have played.

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